30-31/10/2023: International Scientific Conference entitled “How Legitimate is the Philosophical Canon? Concrete Applications from Greek and Chinese Philosophies” (Thessaloniki, Amphitheater of A.U.Th. Central Library)

In the framework of A.U.Th. actions for the promotion of the study of ancient Greek and ancient Chinese philosophy, a two-day International Scientific Conference will be held on Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st of October in the Amphitheater of the Central Library of A.U.Th. 

12 distinguished speakers from academic or research institutions in Greece, Europe, America and Asia will participate in the Conference.

The proceedings of the Conference aim both at a more complete understanding of the philosophical activity in the ancient Greek and Chinese world and at diagnosing the philosophicalness of the criteria based on which an ancient thought is included in the philosophical canon.

The scientific committee of the Conference consists of:

  • Pantelis Golitsis, Associate Professor of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (A.U.TH.)
  • Stelios Virvidakis, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy (N.K.U.A.)
  • Chloe Balla, Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy (University of Crete)

The program of the Conference.

The invitation, the press release and the poster for the Conference.

Lectures from the Conference shall be posted on the website of the project A.U.TH. actions on ancient Greek and Chinese philosophy, in the section International conference: How Legitimate is the Philosophical Canon? Concrete Applications from Greek and Chinese Philosophies..

The Conference is held within the framework of the NSRF-funded project “A.U.Th. actions on Ancient Greek and Chinese Philosophy” of the Action “Promoting the study of ancient Greek and Chinese culture” of the Operational Program “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning” and takes place under the auspices of the “Philosophy Laboratory: Texts and Interpretations” of the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.